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Shawn Young
4 min read
Local Church: A Spiritual Resource
In my earlier post, I noted that I used to be clueless that the local church is essential. As a pastor I’ve met many Christians who are...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Strengthen Your Grasp of the Bible: 8 Simple Tricks
When I was in seminary twenty years ago, unprecedented numbers of students were unable to pass an English Bible test. The trend has only...

Shawn Young
3 min read
A Missing Spiritual Resource?
Imagine owning a car without any access to gas–as in, there isn’t a drop to be found anywhere (kudos if you have an electric, but read...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Read This Book (A Book Review)
by Matthew B. Redmond Kalos Press I want to believe my faith in the gospel of grace is not limited to the ‘spiritual’ things but is...

Shawn Young
4 min read
Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
Monogram of Christ, Museo Pio Cristiano, Vatican, undated. Commenting on my post “Tell Me What Spiritual Issues are Important to You...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Parish Model and the PCA
In my earlier post “Connoisseurs of Churches” I quoted C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. In the passage I quoted, Screwtape (the mentor...

Shawn Young
3 min read
Connoisseurs of Churches
Trends that C.S. Lewis discerned about seventy years ago seem to have reached maturity in our day. While he often seems prophetic in that...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Our Need for Rest
Sabbath means that there’s enough bread, that we don’t have to hustle every day of our lives. There’s no record that Pharaoh ever took a...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Is Corporate Worship Dispensable?
In worship God calls his people into his presence so that he can cleanse their hearts, renew their love for him, and refresh their vision...

Shawn Young
1 min read
The Allure of False Freedom
…God’s divine justice, as Dante portrays it, is perfectly executed through contrapasso, the precise fitting of the sin to the punishment....

Shawn Young
1 min read
The Uninspirational Glory of Christ
One of the prayers of Jesus that Peterson examines in Tell It Slant is found in John 12:28 and consists of four words: “Father, glorify...

Shawn Young
2 min read
The Lord's Prayer and Renouncing Want Lists
In his exposition of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), Eugene Peterson summarizes his understanding of the first three petitions (vv....

Shawn Young
2 min read
The Right Use of Serious Illness
O Lord, whose spirit is so good and gracious in all things, and who art so merciful that not only the prosperities, but also the...

Shawn Young
1 min read
Christian Reflection on Suffering
"I Believe in Monsters: God, Horrendous Evils, and the Christian Faith" was a talk given by Dr. Mark Garcia at Covenant College. His...

Shawn Young
1 min read
Leadership as Obligated Reponsibility for Others
“Through the instructions he gives to the new minister at Crete, as well as to those Titus will appoint as church leaders, Paul cautions...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Perverting the Grace of God
Satan endeavours, by whatever means he can, to pervert the grace of God in the elect; and since he cannot effect that, he either covers...

Shawn Young
2 min read
On Spots, Stains, and Warfare
“Until the day that we leave this world, there will always be spots and stains within us, and we will always be bent down with the burden...

Shawn Young
2 min read
The Christian Life
“If we, then, are not our own [cf. 1 Cor. 6:19] but the Lord’s, it is clear what error we must flee, and wither we must direct all the...
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