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Shawn Young
6 min read
Singing at Cornerstone
Few subjects generate such controversy in the church as music in worship. The shift to an entertainment-driven aesthetic in evangelical...
Shawn Young
4 min read
Local Church: A Spiritual Resource
In my earlier post, I noted that I used to be clueless that the local church is essential. As a pastor I’ve met many Christians who are...
Shawn Young
6 min read
Christian Community
For the last several years, has the church discussed any subject more than community? With the new year now upon us, I’ve reflected on...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Struggling with Sin
The Lord could have chosen to take us immediately into glory upon conversion. But He didn’t. It’s hard to avoid wondering, “Why not?” We...
Shawn Young
2 min read
Strengthen Your Grasp of the Bible: 8 Simple Tricks
When I was in seminary twenty years ago, unprecedented numbers of students were unable to pass an English Bible test. The trend has only...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Grace and Jesus Christ
Awhile back a pastor friend, Wayne Larson, wondered why pastors tweet and post comments on “grace” so much more than Jesus. Many consider...
Shawn Young
7 min read
Sane Family Rhythm
You can mitigate against over-scheduled children (and over-scheduled adults) by setting a sane family rhythm. Our time with our children...
Shawn Young
3 min read
A Missing Spiritual Resource?
Imagine owning a car without any access to gas–as in, there isn’t a drop to be found anywhere (kudos if you have an electric, but read...
Shawn Young
7 min read
Cultivating Imagination
I recently re-read George MacDonald’s short essay, “The Fantastic Imagination.” It has me ruminating on cultivating imagination. As a...
Shawn Young
2 min read
5 Keys to Unlock Communication with Your Child
Communication is a tricky thing. It has its own academic field, after all. Navigating family communication can be particularly...
Shawn Young
2 min read
Signs of Spiritual Consumerism: Do You Recognize Them?
What shapes you? James K. A. Smith, in his book Desiring the Kingdom, contends: Because our hearts are oriented primarily by desire, by...
Shawn Young
3 min read
This is How I Work
One of my favorite features over at is “This is How I Work.” I thought it might be fun to use their format and do a post...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Ordinary Church
Las Vegas is iconic Americana. Like it or not, it reflects something of the soul of the USA. It also reflects, I suggest, something of...
Shawn Young
4 min read
Justification: Why You Should Care
Justification is a biblical term. If you’re interested in the Bible then you will care about justification. Nor is it some throw-away...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Kids Who Grow Up to Love Church
As a pastor and a parent, I want to see kids who grow up to love church. Awhile back my wife and I spent time with some good friends that...
Shawn Young
4 min read
Church: Healthy Assumptions
I moved to Castle Rock from Oklahoma City. It’s easy to overstate the differences between these two places. But there are real...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Who Needs Church?
It was Sunday morning and we were driving through University City in St. Louis County. We were going to church. It was a bright,...
Shawn Young
3 min read
Church as Institution
In The Lion King, Simba flees the pride in shame. He leaves because Uncle Scar convinces him that he’s responsible for his father’s...
Shawn Young
2 min read
The Value of the Gift (Part 2)
It is not merely that that we have made mistakes, or even that we have lived morally deficient lives, though we have done both. Nor is...
Shawn Young
2 min read
Five Ways to Keep Preaching Practical
Practical preaching is a good thing. A preacher should explain the biblical passage so that listeners can apply it in the power of the...
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