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Shawn Young
6 min read
Singing at Cornerstone
Few subjects generate such controversy in the church as music in worship. The shift to an entertainment-driven aesthetic in evangelical...

Shawn Young
4 min read
Liturgical Creatures?
James K. A. Smith Baker Academic: 2009 According to Smith, we are desiring creatures more than we are thinking animals. What we love...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Our Need for Rest
Sabbath means that there’s enough bread, that we don’t have to hustle every day of our lives. There’s no record that Pharaoh ever took a...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Is Corporate Worship Dispensable?
In worship God calls his people into his presence so that he can cleanse their hearts, renew their love for him, and refresh their vision...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Why We Need Christian Liturgy
We believe we can achieve dominance through science and technology. Religion may be helpful for private life, but it cannot deal with the...

Shawn Young
2 min read
The Priority of Worship
Calvin argues in his commentary on Psalm 33 that there is nothing better in which the people of God can be employed than worshiping him....

Shawn Young
1 min read
Calvin on the Efficacy of the Lord's Supper
To summarize: our souls are fed by the flesh and blood of Christ in the same way that bread and wine keep and sustain physical life….Even...

Shawn Young
2 min read
God's Incomprehensibility and Public Worship
In this chapter, Sproul comments that there is nothing particularly distinctive about the Reformed view of God in comparison to other...

Shawn Young
1 min read
Worship and the Word
The Regulative Principle of Worship (RPW) states that we must worship as God prescribes in His word. While this principle is clearly...

Shawn Young
3 min read
Reformed Worship (Part 4)
Hart and Muether point out that there is no contradiction between whether God is pleased by our worship, and how we as worshipers are...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Reformed Worship? (Part 3)
Good liturgy necessarily arises out of a proper understanding of the church. But what is a good Reformed liturgy? “It is a liturgy that...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Reformed Worship? (Part 2)
But the Lord has set aside one day in seven as holy to His people. The rhythm of the Christian life is six days of work, and one day of...

Shawn Young
3 min read
Reformed Worship? (Part 1)
With Reverence and Awe by D.G. Hart and John R. Muether 204 pages Phillipsburg: P & R Publishers, 2002 Readers who are a part of the tiny...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Individualism Negating the Individual
Carl Trueman's latest essay is over at Reformation21. I was interested in his point particularly as it informs our worship, and closely...

Shawn Young
2 min read
Reformed Worship and Liturgy
In the Splendor of Holiness by Jon D. Payne 120 pages Tolle Lege Press (2008) As a pastor I am often looking for a brief, highly...
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